It is important, to be honest with yourself about exactly what skills you possess. If you do not have a good academic background and long work history to review, take stock of courses you have done and the courses you need to do. Ask yourself, “What am I good at? What tasks do I enjoy doing?” Then write them down. Seems simple enough, but without this step, your job hunt has no direction. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps you to create a job hunt.
Not only does your cv/resume need to be free of spelling and grammatical errors, but it also needs to be geared towards the job you are attempting to obtain.
Are you tired of your resume disappearing into the black hole of the online job application? Did you know that 60% of people learn about current job openings through networking?
Whether you are about to graduate college or you are laid off, you need to have a social media profile and more importantly, you need to monitor it.
What makes a job ideal for you? What are you looking for in a job? What do you love to do? How far are you willing to commute?
If you are seeking a new job, there is no point to having a social media profile if you have your settings designed to make you anonymous or block people from viewing you.
The mere thought of answering interview questions can leave you with sweaty palms so adequate preparation is the key to avoiding a disastrous interview. You cannot expect to have a successful interview without doing each of the following steps:
~Research the company.
~Have an understanding of the company culture.
~Know the number one thing an interviewer wants to know is “Can you do the job?”
~Be prepared with your strengths, weaknesses and reasons the company should hire you.
~Have a thank you letter ready to mail (or send via email).
So there you have it. Seven easy steps!