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To ensure our commitment and determination towards quality education, we aim to provide the finest possible environment for teaching, learning and academic support.


The classroom is designed to be pleasant places to learn. It has a whiteboard and projector/monitor for teaching purposes. It is heated in winter, making it a comfortable atmosphere for both the teachers and the students.

Computing and Internet Facilities

The College has computing and internet browsing facilities for students. Hi-speed dedicated broadband connections are available for internet access and students with their own laptops can access the internet.

Library Facilities

The College has reference books that are available for short-term loan or available on Moodle platform. For a wider choice of general reference books, we encourage our students to register with one of the local public libraries in the surrounding area. Leytonstone library is only 1 minute walk from the college.

Virtual Learning Facilities

The College has a virtual learning environment called Moodle, a place where students can access all the resources related to their course at any time.

Food and Drink Provisions

A kitchenette equipped with kettle, microwave, hot and cold water is available. A number of healthy sandwich bars and restaurants are available in 1-2 minutes walk from the College.

Academic Support

Our staff and tutor are supportive and helpful in dealing with students' problems. If students face any problem, they are requested to contact the College reception.

Student with Disabilities

We are committed to providing an educational service, which guarantees equality of opportunity for students with physical disabilities or learning difficulties. The support services available are outlined in our disability policy.

Leisure Centre

Modern and well established leytonstone leisure centre is at 15 minutes walking distance, which provides a number of sports activities- gym, pools, studio, sports hall, soft play, etc.

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